MOP References
Over the past decade, hundreds of calculations hot water, steam and secondary networks and heating systems have been processed using MOP software. Numerous licenses of different configurations have been sold. The customers are both heating plant operators and companies involved in heat networks design.
Major projects processed with MOP® software by ORTEP:
- energy audits of heat networks of Plzeňská teplárenská, Teplárny Strakonice, Dvůr Králové and many others;
- identification of optimized dimension of Jižní Město feeder - Pražská teplárenská company,
- dimensioning of the Holešovice steam network transformation to hot water,
- creation of Brno model for verification of cooperation of 5 sources in the system,
- study of the possibility of cooperation of two sources within one network in Pilsen,
- modeling of heat losses in the steam network Ústí nad Labem and on the hot-water network Trutnov,
- etc...
Customers from DHS operators include:
- Pražská teplárenská, a.s.;
- United Energy, a.s.;
- Teplárna Strakonice, a.s.;
- Tepláreň Košice, a.s.;
- Teplárny Brno, a.s.;
- Elektrárny Opatovice, a.s.;
- MVV Energie CZ a.s.;
- Plzeňská teplárenská, a.s.;
- etc...
Customers from DHS designers include:
- AF-Consult Czech Republic s.r.o.;
- Eurotherm Tábor, s.r.o.;
- Thermoplus, s.r.o.;
- TENZA, a.s.;
- EVČ, s.r.o.;
- SITEZ, s.r.o.;
- etc...